Teeth: NHD removed, multiple hit would make it very effective in close range.
Poison Dagger: Remade to ‘Poison Strike‘, a rollback attack with ‘Fend’ logic, available with thrusting weapons, flails or polearms. Hits up to 10 targets, greatly increased poison damage with fixed 25F duration, Physical damage percentage bonus added, which could be further synergized by ‘Bone Armor’.
Bone Armor: Available when shapeshifting. Added ‘Poison Strike’ as a synergy skill and extra scaling the effect with character level.
Bone Spear: Ignores target resistance and makes it bleed for 5 sec when hits, similar as ‘open wounds’.
Bone Prison: Rising-up animation fulfilled.
Corpse Explosion: Merged with ‘Poison Explosion’, switched fire damage to poison but rebalanced the percentage to 95% Physical and 5% Poison, Poison Duration would be 300F.
Poison Explosion: Replaced by ‘Toxic Barrage‘, releases massive poisoned bolts with Crossbows in ‘Strafe’ logic. 15 hits cap but 5 hits max on single target. 50F fixed poison duration.

Poison Nova: Poison duration Increased by skill level.
Bone Spirit: Totally remade. Now you have to summon it from a corpse, then it will follow you until detecting a nearby enemy, the spirit will charge at the target and make a suicide explode, dealing area magic damage and takes 33% target’s current HP. You can summon as many spirits as possible, I do mean, as many as possible, it would require many corpses if you do want a lot of them around you.

Trivia: Such logic is based on the official novel ‘Spider Moon’.
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