All totem spirits immune to physical and poison in Nightmare and Hell difficulties, and no enemy curse would break their immunity. And now they could walk through bars. Also, they are good torches in this extra dark mod, can summon behind walls.
All vines are now immune to poison, more HP bonus through character level, cannot be summoned in town, can summon behind walls.
Wolves and Grizzly now display their resistant in skill panel, but they no longer have light radius, and now they could be summoned together.
Raven: Replaced by ‘Mark of Nature‘, shoots a missile with bows or crossbows, imbued with elemental power. When shot by bows, it would convert physical damage to fire, and to lightning when shot by crossbows. The missile would mark the target, lower their defense and greatly slower their hit recovery and block animation. All other summoning skill would synergy its damage.

Poison Creeper: Ability of slowing targets retrieved, also increased poison damage through character leveling up and ignores target resist.
Spirit of Barbs: Extra thorns percent increased through character level, also synergy by ‘Mark of Nature’.
Summon Spirit Wolf: Could be summoned behind walls, extra HP increased in Nightmare and Hell difficulties, can walk through water, void and bars. Now they can teleport at enemy to give them a surprising attack. Damage type changed to magic, which makes them useful when facing physical immune enemies, ‘Mark of Nature’ would synergy its damage.

Carrion Vines: Merged with vanilla ‘Solar Creeper’, to summon a branched vine, two different branches would separately consume corpses to replenish your HP or MP. It can’t be target or attacked by enemies anymore.
Summon Dire Wolf: Extra HP increased in Nightmare and Hell difficulties, greatly increased damage bonused by eating corpse, ‘Mark of Nature’ would synergy its damage.
Solar Creeper: Totally remade, it would bring vast light radius, best torch in this extra dark mod. Also, it would flash the enemies, weaken them by reducing their attack ratings and block chance, slowing their spell cast rate, but most caster foes doesn’t use SC animation, so this function is not so powerful as the former 2.

Summon Grizzly: Smite bug fixed, now it can stun target correctly. ‘Mark of Nature’ would synergy its damage as well.
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