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Druid Summery

Fulfilled barehand A2 animation.

Shapeshifted A1 animation increased length to 16 frames.

Shapeshifted A2 animation switched to S3, as it’s more like a ‘Left hand attack’, which should be used by a Shapeshifted Barbarian when duel-wielding.

Shapeshifted S3 animation bug fixed and switched this Biting animation to A2.

Shapeshifted S4 replaced by A2, as it’s more like a ‘Left hand attack’, which should be used by a Shapeshifted Assassin when duel-wielding. As the result, a shapeshifted character would clap a pot with left hand instead of kicking it.

Move original ‘Raven‘ skill to initial, could be summoned behind walls, extra damage increased through character level, (almost) no longer disappears, a bit more aggressive. 1 more to summon per 10 character levels, summoning number caps at 10. Also, it has a proper light radius, makes it useful in this extra dark mod.


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