Bash: Merged with ‘Stun’, animation switched to A2, would stun enemy on hit, additional damage bug fixed. ‘War Cry’ would synergy stun duration, on hit overlay that might be confused with ‘Crush Blow’ removed.
Leap: Always leaping the longest range, no need for leveling up, skill level only determines knockback range.
Double Swing: Available when Shapeshifted, Top attack speed increased to 4F, synergy skill removed and had the damage bonus merged with its own leveling up.
Stun: Replaced by ‘Nomad Spear‘, throws up to 5 javelins with Strafe logic but 3 max on individual target, has 33% chance to knockback. ‘Find Potion’, ‘Find Item’ and ‘Bash’ would synergy its damage.

Double Throw: Top attack speed increased in theory, detailed data unknown. Added its own skill level damage bonus, able to stun targets, damage bonus also grants on throwing potions. Added ‘Find Item’ as a damage synergy skill, add ‘Find Potion’ as a stun duration synergy skill.
Leap Attack: Replaced by ‘Hypershot‘, shoots a powerful always piercing arrow at nearby enemy in ‘Strafe’ logic, only bows are available, no crossbows allowed. ‘Bash’, ‘Iron Skin’ and ‘Natural Resistance’ would synergy its damage, also receives Additional Damage Points from ‘Bash’ and damage percent, attack ratings and critical strike chance bonuses from any melee weapon Mastery skill, yet only the one with highest level would apply its value, NO STACKING.

Concentrate: ‘Berserker’ synergy text string bug fixed, synergy skill ‘Battle Orders’ removed and switched its bonus to other synergies and its own leveling up. Can deal extra area damage to nearby enemies, area damage value would be equal to current weapon damage.

Frenzy: Available when Shapeshifted, Top attack speed increased to 4F, ‘Berserker’ synergy text string bug fixed.
Whirlwind: No longer increasing MP cost by level, when whirlwinding, melee attackers that hit you would take thorns damage equal to average current main hand weapon’s physical damage plus your strength stat value, ranged attackers would be revenged by a smaller twister-like missile that has all current main hand weapon damage.

Berserker: Animation switched to A2, swing with extreme attack speed of current weapon, additional IAS no longer required. Synergy skill ‘Shout’ switched to ‘Battle Cry’.
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