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Shadow Disciplines

Fixed some stat-display bugs on Shadow summoning skills’ panel, removed shadows’ shadow projecting and made their colors dumber to be more like ‘shadows’, removed the screaming sound of shadows on get hit. Shadows now no longer deploy traps or cast ‘Cloak of Shadows’.

Psychic Hammer: Replaced by ‘Tactical Acrobat‘, a swift rolling action, make the assassin rush into or escape from battle easier. Knockback and Stuns enemy if hits.

Burst of Speed: Could be triggered by CTC, available when shapeshifting.

Cloak of Shadows: Animation changed to S3, available when shapeshifting, duration and cooldown fixed to 7 sec, crash bug fixed.

Fade: Available when shapeshifting, show every bonus in skill panel.

Shadow Warrior: Can be summoned behind walls, can use ‘Dragon Flight’ more frequently, but can’t use ‘Tactical Acrobat’ and ‘Psychic Hammer’ anymore.

Venom: Casting overlay fulfilled, greatly increased poison damage and bypasses Demon creature’s resistance, poison duration reduced to 5F.

Shadow Master: Can NOT be summoned behind walls anymore, more often to use ‘Cobra Strike’.


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