Inner Sight: Could be casted when shapeshifting, works on enemies behind walls, increases range by skill level, extra effect bonus increased along with character leveling, also, this skill is very useful as this mod is very dark.
Dodge, Avoid and Evade: No longer buggy but also lose animations, which would make them overpowered, so the values are slightly lower than vanilla.
Penetrate: No longer conflict with ‘Blessed Aim’ passive function, since the later had been removed.
Slow Missiles: Overlay on target changed to make it differed from ‘Inner Sight’, casting overlay also changed, skill level would bonus extra range, works on target behind walls.

Decoy: Casting overlay added, can be casted when shapeshifting or behind walls, no longer disappear on character teleporting, would keep taunting enemies around, inherits character’s Dodge, Avoid and Evade.

Valkyrie: Casting overlay added, helmet change to ‘Great Helm’ series, outfits fixed to ‘golden’ color. AI changed, more agile and offensive, inherits character’s Critical Strike, Dodge, Avoid and Evade skills. And, she could be a good torch in this extra dark mod.

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