- Dac Farren: (cold enchanted) Shoots Imp Missiles in Strafe logic.
- Shenk the Overseer: (extra strong, stone skin, aura enchanted) Base stats increased, added some ‘Overseer’ as his minions.
- Eldritch the Rectifier: (extra fast) Can melee with ‘Zeal’ and ‘Power Strike’.
- Sharptooth Slayer: (extra fast) Base stats increased, minions changed to ‘Overlord'(Overseer version).
- Eyeback the Unleashed: (extra strong, extra fast) Can melee with ‘Berserk’ and ‘Frenzy’.
- Thresh Socket: (cursed) Base stats increased.
- Magma Torquer: (extra strong, cursed) An Imp champion fighting aside with Thresh Socket, shoots Imp Missiles in Strafe logic.

- Frozenstein: (cold enchanted, mana burn) Can run very fast towards you, melee with extra cold damage, even Diablo’s Freezing Cold Hit.
- Bonesaw Breaker: (extra strong, magic resistant) Melee with ‘Concentrate’ and ‘Bash’, has a chance to drop Blunt Weapons except Rods.
- Banished Soul: (cold enchanted) A powerful Will-o-Wisp champion guarding the golden chest of Drifter Cavern, can Charge at your face, casts ‘Chain Lightning’, ‘Nova’, ‘Lightning’ and melee with ‘Zeal’. Has a chance to drop ‘Wisp Projector’ in Hell difficulty.

- Pindleskin: (fire enchanted) Melee with Double Swing and Frenzy, has a chance to drop ‘Ripsaw’.
- Blaze Ripper: (lightning enchanted, extra fast) A Death Brigade champion dwells in some corner not far from the waypoint of Halls of Pain, can melee with ‘Power Strike’ and ‘Charged Strike’.

- Nihlathak: Arctic Blast bug fixed, more frequently to drop THE KEY.
- Hell Belle: (cursed, fire enchanted) A Succubus champion fighting by the side of Nihlathak. Casts ‘Blood Stars’ in ‘Strafe’ logic.

- Axe Dweller: (extra fast, fire enchanted, magic resistant) A powerful Minotaur champion guarding the entrance of The Ancients’ Way, additionally uses ‘Berserk’ and ‘Charge’ comparing to common Minotaurs.

- Snapchip Shatter: (cursed, cold enchanted) Casts Cold Eruption in range and melee with Diablo’s ‘Icy Palm’ and ‘Arctic Blast’.
- Skulltred: (extra strong) A deadly Uncleaned champion guarding the golden chest of Icy Cellar. Wielding a heavy maul and teleports at your face in ‘Dragon Flight’ Logic, fighting with ‘Berserk’, ‘Battle Cry’, ‘War Cry’ and ‘Rage’, has a chance to deal Crushing Blow. Adding him has made the ‘Icy Cellar’ has two super unique monsters. Has a chance to drop ‘Maul’ and ‘Great Maul’

- Ancients: Would drop items with the same type as what they equipped, may better than what they actually wearing, non-quest killings would also acquire pretty fine Exp points.
- Colenzo the Annihilator: (fire enchanted) Casts Twitching Multiple Fire Bolts. High chance to drop ‘Nokozan Relic’.
- Achmel the Cursed: Casts ‘Unholy Bolt’ in ‘Strafe’ logic.
- Bartuc the Bloody: (lightning enchanted) Can open wounds and has a chance to drop ‘Bartuc’s Cutthroat’ in Nightmare and Hell difficulties.
- Ventar the Unholy: (extra fast) Additionally melee with ‘Vengeance’ comparing to common Balrogs.
- Lister the Tormentor: (Spectral hit) He is powerful enough so needs no modification.
- Vinvear Molech: (extra strong, cold enchanted, magic resistant) A powerful Succubus Champion awaits you in The Worldstone Chamber with a full pack of Guest Succubus minions. she would cast ‘Blood Star’ in ‘Strafe’ logic.

- The Baker: (fire enchanted) A ‘Minion of Destruction’ Champion dwells in The Worldstone Chamber before you meet Baal.

- The Candlestick Maker: (aura enchanted) A ‘Minion of Destruction’ Champion dwells deeply inside The Worldstone Chamber.

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