- Visceratuant: Restored Sorceress skill bonus to older version’s +2 Necromancer skills.
Trivia: I believe the name of this item is a Typo for French ‘viscere tuant’, which means ‘(human?) killing viscera’ or ‘viscera that kills’. However, some Mandarin community players believe it should be a typo of ‘visceratant’, I hope that English speaking players may tell me if I am correct or not 🙂
- Radament’s Sphere: Added a summoning skill ‘Poison Elemental’.
Poison Elemental: To summon an elemental creature that sprays poison gas at enemies. Would cast vanilla ‘Poison Explosion’ on corpses and releases massive amount of poison gas when get killed.

Trivia: Both official Chinese versions had translated the name to a term similar as ‘Radament’s Orb (or Ball)’, and many Mandarin community players believe that the ‘Sphere’ should be explained as ‘area’, ‘region’ or ‘atmosphere’, but I prefer to keep the official translation that it might be Just an ‘orb’, or even a ‘ball’, no need to be overinterpreted.
- Stormshield: Renamed to ‘Lachdanan’s Stormshield’.
- Medusa’s Gaze: Replaced ‘Slows Target’ stat with ‘20% chance to cast “Stony Gaze” on get hit’.
Stony Gaze: A fan-shaped flash towards the attackers, petrifies all enemies within its range for 5 sec. Champions and those cannot be frozen would only be partially petrified, which means greatly slowed but not completely frozen.

- Spirit Ward: Switch CTC ‘Fade’ to Aura when equipped, no overlay beneath feet but still fading, can stack with Assassin’s Fade and does NOT conflict with ‘Burst of Speed’.
- Spike Thorn: 2 sockets.
Trinva: In official Chinese versions, its name had been translated to a term similar as ‘Source of Thorns’, which in my opinion is even a bit better than its English name.
- Wall of the Eyeless: +1 to Necromancer skills, no ‘Nomad Spirit of Shields’ on it.
- Lidless Wall: Switched +1 to all skills to 1-2 to Necromancer skills, since Blizzard declared it should be a Necromancer Item, as the same result, no ‘Nomad Spirit of Shields’ on it. Diablo IV function added, grants ‘Bone Storm’ skill (Nec Only), and has a chance to cast ‘Bone Storm’ on melee strike.
Bone Storm (Casting Version): A ‘Blade Shield’ Logic skill that activates a state, dealing main hand damage to targets nearby, can trigger CTCs or other ‘on strike’ effects.

Bone Storm (CTC Version): Deploy a ‘Bone Storm’ missile at the triggering location, duration would be 10 sec, dealing main hand damage to targets nearby.

- Head Hunter’s Glory: +7 to ‘Throwing Mastery’ (Bar only), and it has ‘Nomad Spirit of Shields’ of course.
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