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Vanilla Unique Scepters

  1. The Redeemer: Ignores Demon Creatures’ resistance.

Trivia: Both official Chinese versions had translated its name to a term with the meaning similar as ‘Confessor’, Many Mandarin community players disagreed about it and believed that it should be explained as ‘Messiah’, ‘Savior’, ‘Mahdi’ or even ‘Jesus Christ’. I’m always hating any idea that combining the Sanctuary world with Reality (I know that ‘The Redeemer’ term does mean ‘Jesus Christ’ in Real world’s religion, but there’s definitely NO Christian Churches in the Sanctuary). As ‘Redeem’ is more likely meaning ‘to redress the sins’ instead of ‘to save somebody else’, I prefer to keep the official translation instead of fixing it to ‘Savior’ or something like that. I’ll be glad if English speaking players give me any advice 🙂


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