- Dust Storm: ‘Scarab Husk’, 150-200% Defense, 25% Velocity, 1-2 sockets, 50% chance to cast level 20 Fully Synergized ‘Twister’ on get hit, 15-20 Dex, 15-20 Vit, 3-5 to ‘Catgirl’.
Catgirl: Summons a ‘Catgirl’ to fight for you. She would use ‘Fist of Ares’, ‘Jab’, ‘Impale’ and ‘Fend’ in combat, if you are Amazon, she would inherit your related skill levels. Her damage depends on random equipment.

- Charsi’s Favor: ‘Diamond Mail’, 130-175% Defense, 20-25% Item Cheaper, +1 Barbarian skills, Replenish Duration, 30-50% Damage Resist, 2-3 Physical Damage Reduction.
- Bul-Kathos’ Custodian: ‘Loricated Mail’, 200-250% Defense, 3-5 to ‘Whirlwind’ (Bar Only), -10% Velocity, 20-30 Physical and Magic Damage Reduction, Replenish Durability.
- Alma’s Reflection: ‘Great Hauberk’, Level 20 ‘Espinas de Alma’ Aura when equipped, -100% requirement, 3-5 to ‘Thorn Mastery’, 100% chance to Cast ‘Astros de Alma’ on Get Missile Hit.

Espinas de Alma: A new type of ‘Thorns’ Aura~
Team effects: Great amount of thorns percentage, all resists except poison turn to 0, defense turns to 0, damage reduction stats turn to 0, attack speed or cast rate bonuses turn to 0, block chance turns to 0. When effected by ‘Fanatism’, attack speed would be lower instead of higher.
Caster effects: Greatly increases Max HP and HP Regen by Thorns Percent applied.
To Specific team members: Mercs, Spirit of Barbs and Iron Golems would also be granted massive max HP by Thorns Percent applied.
Such Changes would grant you extra huge amount of HP, but also receiving more damage, and the thorns damage would be extreme. Physical and Magic resist would be always 0 even if you were cursed, Fire, Cold and Lightning resist would be always -100 in Hell difficulty, Attack Speed and Cast Rate bonuses would be always 0.
Caution: If your max HP is over 32767, the value would leak and roll back to some minimum amount, would be extra dangerous, if such thing happened, there would be a sign, the HP orb value would jump between the huge number and non-bonus value, that telling you should be careful with your max HP bonus stats and should remove some.
Astros de Alma: Shoots revenge bolts at ranged attackers, damage would be ‘Current Primary Weapon Damage’ + ‘Current Max HP’ – ‘Current HP’ and also bonused by ‘Current Thorns Percent’, which means if you are gravely injured, it would be extremely lethal to the enemy. The damage of this bolt could be enhanced by non-weapon damage percent bonuses.
Thorn Mastery: Greatly increases thorns percentage of ‘Thorns’, ‘Iron Maiden’, ‘Iron Golem’ and ‘Spirit of Barbs’.
Trivia: ‘Alma’ here seems to be a person’s name, not ‘Soul’ in Spanish, so I didn’t use ‘del Alma’ but ‘de Alma’ instead.
- Fleshbone: ‘Boneweave’, 180-220% Defense, Max HP per character level, 33% Open Wounds, 10-15% HP Steal, 15-20% Crush Blow, Replenish Durability, Replenish HP 5-10, Physical Damage Reduce by 2-3.
- El Infierno: ‘Hellforge Plate’, 180-220% Defense, 200-400 Fire Damage, -15-25% enemy fire resist, 10% chance to cast ‘Diablo Firestorm’ on get hit, 5% chance to cast ‘Diablo Fire Nova’ on Melee hit, Level 15-20 ‘Resist Fire’ Aura when Equipped, +1 to ‘Fire Aura Mastery’.
Fire Aura Mastery: Greatly increases values of Fire Auras such as ‘Holy Fire’ or ‘Resist Fire’, and absorbs ALL Fire damage dealt to the Caster himself, not the whole team.
Trivia: In Code, its base item’s name is ‘Hellforged Plate’, and Chinese traditional version translated that name instead of displayed name. I believe the code name is better, which indicates the armor was forged in hell.
- Hellwarden’s Husk: ‘Lacquered Plate’, 175-220% Defense, 20-30% Physical Resist, Thorns Damage per Character level, 200-400 Fire Damage, 3-5 to ‘Attract’, Level 8-12 ‘Iron Maiden’ Aura when equipped, which means automatically casting ‘Iron Maiden’ at where you click at, if you didn’t click anywhere, would cast beneath your feet.
- Ashrera’s Wired Frame: ‘Archon Plate’, 10% Chance to cast level 5 ‘Confuse’ on get hit, 25% All Resist, Defense bonus per character level, Grants 4 summoning skills to summon up to 4 different types of ‘Iron Wolf’ minions to fight for you.

Fire Iron Wolf: Casts fully synergized ‘Fire Ball’, ‘Inferno’.
Lightning Iron Wolf: Casts fully synergized ‘Charged Bolt’, ‘Lightning’.
Cold Iron Wolf: Casts fully synergized ‘Ice Blast’, ‘Glacial Spike’ and ‘Shiver Armor’
Melee Iron Wolf: Combat with ‘Zeal’, ‘Jab’, ‘Smite’ and may ‘Charge’ at enemies.
Trivia: Spell Casting Iron Wolf minions would be quite similar as vanilla mercs but more powerful since their spells are fully synergized.
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