- Robin’s Yolk: ‘Eagle Orb’, 20-60 MP, +1 All skills, 15% FCR, +1 to ‘Raven’, +1 to ‘Warmth’ (Sor Only), 30% Fire Resist.
- Stonerattle: ‘Sacred Globe’, 10-40 HP, 15% Chance to cast level 10 ‘Howl’ on Get hit, +2 Sorceress skills, 20% FCR, 12% FHR, 5 Damage Reduce, 3-7 MP on Killing
- Indiego’s Fancy: ‘Smoked Sphere’, Adds MP by Character level, +2 Sorceress skills, 33% Chance to cast level 5 ‘Dim Vision’ on Get hit, 50% Poison Resist, 5 HP Regen, 20% Damage to MP, 50% Max MP, 20% FCR.
- Amodeus’s Manipulator: ‘Clasped Orb’, +1 All skills, 100% FCR, 2 Sockets.
- Wrath of Cain: ‘Jared’s Stone’, 50-60 MP, 30% FCR, 5-10 HP and MP on Killing, 10-20% Exp Gain.
- Horazon’s Chalice: ‘Glowing Orb’, 30-40 HP, 20-20 HP on Demon Killing, 50% Defense, 3-5 to ‘Goatmen’, 3-5 to ‘Vampire Lich’, 3-5 to ‘Blunderbore’.

Goatmen: Summons up to 5 Goatmen.
Vampire Lich: Summons up to 3 Vampire Liches.
Blunderbore: Summons a Blunderbore.
- Ancient Eye: ‘Crystalline Globe’, 100 MP, 30-45% All Resist, +1 All skills, 1-2 Fire Spells, 1-2 Lightning Spells, 1-2 Cold Spells, 15-20 HP and MP on Killing, +5 Light Radius.
- Globe of Visjerei: ‘Cloudy Sphere’, 30-60 MP, 1-2 All skills, 20-30% FCR, 25-30 Enr, 30-50% Lightning Resist, 3-5 to ‘Demon Imp’.
Demon Imp: Summons up to 5 Demon Imps.

- Bling Bling: ‘Sparking Ball’, 30-60 MP, 1-2 All skills, MF and Gold Find per Character level, +7 Light Radius, 2 Sockets.
- Archangel’s Deliverance: ‘Heavenly Stone’, 50 HP, 50% All Resist, Level 8-12 ‘Meditation’ Aura when equipped, Physical Resist 25%, 3-5 to ‘Saint’, initial skill is ‘Holy Orb’ instead of ‘Magic Bolt’.
Saint: Summons a Saint, he would have ‘Sanctuary’ Aura activated, Redeems fallen enemy’s corpse to recover you HP, also heals you along with himself when hitting targets, and also, the Saint would be a good torch in this extra dark mod.

- Foci of Visjerei: ‘Demon Heart’, 100-120 MP, 20-30 FCR, 3-5 to ‘Sand Raider’, 3-5 to ‘Balrog’, +1 to ‘Overlord’.

Sand Raider: Summons up to 5 ‘Sand Raiders’.
Balrog: Summons a ‘Balrog’, he would spray massive ‘Inferno’ flames larger than common Balrog monsters, and deals explosive strikes, also would ‘Charge’ at enemy’s face.
Overlord: To summon an unleashed ‘Overlord’ to smash everything around, even you. The Overlord is almost same powerful as ‘Duriel’, killing it would drop pretty nice trophies. However, this skills has a ridiculous cooldown up to 1 minute.
- Phoenix Egg: ‘Vortex Orb’, 50-60 MP, 30% FCR, 40-50% Lowers Enemy Fire Resist, Level 20-30 Partially Synergized ‘Holy Fire’ Aura when equipped, 2-3 Fire skills, 30 HP Regen, +1 to ‘Fire Aura Mastery’
Fire Aura Mastery: Greatly increases values of Fire Auras such as ‘Holy Fire’ or ‘Resist Fire’, and absorbs ALL Fire damage dealt to the Caster himself, not the whole team.
Special Summoning skills on Orbs above would receive extra bonuses from Sorceress’ Elemental Mastery skills.
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