- Lifechoke: ‘Preserved Head’, 20-30% Defense, 20% Block Chance, +3 to ‘Corpse Explosion’ (Nec Only), +1 Poison and Bone Skills, 20 MP.
- Hell Whisper: ‘Zombie Head’, 33-50% Defense, +2 Curse, 10-15 Enr, 10 Dex, 15 HP, +2 to ‘Weaken’ (Nec Only).
- The Harvester: ‘Unraveller Head’, 40-45% Defense, +1 Necromancer skills, 6-10 HP on Killing, 20% FCR, 30% Magic Resist, 10 Enr.
- Soul Reaper: ‘Gargoyle Head’, 40-50% Defense, +1 Necromancer skills, 6-10 MP on Killing, 20% FCR, 75% Cold Resist, 10 Dex.
- Malignant Skull: ‘Demon Head’, 50-75% Defense, 1-2 Summon Spells, 30 MP, +2 to ‘Skeleton Mastery’ (Nec Only), 1-2 to ‘Golem Mastery’ (Nec Only), +1 to ‘Summon Resist’ (Nec Only).
- Ghost Leach: ‘Mummified Trophy’, 80-120% Defense, +2 Necromancer skills, 15% Max Poison Resist, 100% Poison Resist, -75% Poison Duration, 10-15% MP Steal, Cannot be Frozen.
- The Ensanguinator: ‘Fetish Trophy’, 75-150% Defense, 1-3 Poison and Bone Skills, 15-20% IAS, 25-30% FBR, 2-3 to ‘Life Tap’ (Nec Only), 20-25% Open Wounds.
- Apocrypha: ‘Sexton Trophy’, 66-100% Defense, +2 Poison and Bone Skills, 3-5 to ‘Bone Spirit’ (Nec Only), 2-3 to ‘Dim Vision’ (Nec Only), 2-3 to ‘Terror’ (Nec Only), -2 Light Radius.
- Nightsummon: ‘Cantor Trophy’, 25% All Resist, 2-3 Summon Spells, +3 to ‘Raise Skeleton’ (Nec Only), 2-3 to ‘Raise Skeleton Mage’ (Nec Only), 1-2 to ‘Revive’ (Nec Only), 1-3 to ‘Battle Orders’, -3 Light Radius.
- Odium: ‘Minion Skull’, 2-3 Curse, 1-2 Necromancer skills, 2 Sockets, Defense per Character level, 30% Block Chance, 45 FBR.
- Demonweb: ‘Hellspawn Skull’, 150-200% Defense, +2 Necromancer skills, 2-3 to ‘Poison Nova’ (Nec Only), 2-3 to ‘Lower Resist’ (Nec Only), +3 to ‘Corpse Explosion’ (Nec Only), 30-50% to Poison Damage, 20% FCR.
- Lord of Minion: ‘Overseer Skull’, 175-220% Defense, 1-2 to Necromancer skills, +3 Summon Spells, Level 8-12 ‘Fanatism’ Aura when equipped, 15-20 to ‘Healing Vortex’, +1 to ‘Whip’.

Healing Vortex: The Overseer Series monsters’ healing spell.
Whip: The Overseer Series monsters’ enrage spell, strike a nearby target and enrage it, works on both allies or foes. When hitting a Minion Series monster, it has a chance to morph into a Suicide one and Explode at your face.
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