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New Superior, Unique or Set Item Refreshing Formulas

  1. Any Superior Item + any Ring or Amulet = New Superior Item of same type
  2. Any Unique Item + Standard of Heroes = New Unique Item of same type

Caution: Ahavarion can’t be refreshed with this!

  1. Ahavarion + Standard of Heroes + Scroll of Identify = New Ahavarion

It has to be refreshed like this as it’s different with other unique items.

  1. Any Set Item + Standard of Heroes = New Set Item of same type

Unique and Set Item Refreshing is for updating Unique or Set items you acquired before a version update of this mod if that update contains any changes on them. The formulas would update them to new version but might cause some issues:

    • Actually, what these forums do are just generating a new Unique or Set Item of the same type, as the result, if that type has more than one Unique or Set form, the output would be random.
    • You can’t refresh an item that had been changed its Base Item, which means if you had upgraded or transmogrified it, you would get the Unique or Set version of that new Base Item.
    • The Cow King Set can only be dropped from ‘The Cow King’, you can’t refresh any part of it.
    • There’s a possibility that players might abuse these forums to acquire something really rare, so they’re pretty expensive.


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