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  1. Only Humanoid Monsters or Caster Monsters may drop Potions, you need to open chests for more potions on battlefield.
  2. MF Chance on Common monsters decreased, would make Champion killing more effective.
  3. Unique and Set Items’ dropping chance adjusted to be same as each other, in theory.
  4. Champions or higher monsters’ Dropping Logic Changed, MF Chance definitely increased and most of them won’t drop gold.
  5. Shrunken Heads would only drop from related monsters as extra body parts.

Preserved Head: Mummy and Unraveller series

Zombie Head: Zombie series

Unraveller Head: Unraveller series

Gargoyle Head: Gargoyle Traps

Demon Head: Most Demon Type monsters except Humanoid ones or Goatmen etc.

Mummified Trophy: Mummy and Unraveller series since Nightmare difficulty

Fetish Trophy: Fetish series since Nightmare difficulty

Sexton Trophy: Sextons since Nightmare difficulty

Cantor Trophy: Cantors since Nightmare difficulty

Hierophant Trophy: Heirophant(Typo: Hierophant)s since Nightmare difficulty

Minion Skull: Minion series except Hellspawns and Greater Hellspawns in Hell difficulty

Hellspawn Skull: Hellspawns and Greater Hellspawns in Hell difficulty

Overseer Skull: Overseer series in Hell difficulty

Succubus Skull: Succubus series in Hell difficulty (Caution: Not Siren series!)

Bloodlord Skull: Minotaur series in Hell difficulty

  1. Paladin Shields, ‘Crusader’ related Items and ‘Templar Coat’ can only drop form Zakarumites or Flesh Rogues.
  2. ‘Circlet’ or ‘Light Plate Armor’ Series and ‘Heavenly Stone’ can only drop from Zakarum Priests or Council Members.
  3. ‘Gothic’ related Items can only drop from Zakarumites or Corrupted Rogues.
  4. Undead monsters with physical forms except Reanimate Hordes or Vampire Liches have a chance to drop ‘Bone Wand’ and ‘Grim Wand’ Series except ‘Lich Wand’, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  5. Skeleton monsters have a chance to drop ‘Bone Helm’ and ‘Bone Shield’ Series, also ‘Boneweave’ and ‘Boneweave Boots’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  6. Except Humanoid ones or Goatmen etc., most Demon Type monsters would have a chance to drop ‘Demonhide Armor’, ‘Demonhide Gloves’, ‘Demonhide Sash’, ‘Demonhide Boots’ since Nightmare difficulty, and ‘Demonhead’ (Mask), ‘Demon Heart’, ‘Devil Star’, ‘Demon Crossbow’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  7. Wraith series have a chance to drop ‘Dimensional Blade’, ‘Ghost Armor’ since Nightmare difficulty, and ‘Ghost Wand’, ‘Ghost Glaive’, ‘Ghost Spear’, ‘Phase Blade’, ‘Dimensional Shard’, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  8. Mummy series have a chance to drop ‘Dusk Shroud’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, such item no longer drops from other monsters.
  9. Unraveller (Greater Mummy) series have a chance to drop ‘Mask’, also have a chance to drop ‘Death Mask’ since Nightmare difficulty, and ‘Dusk Shroud’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  10. Scarab series have a chance to drop ‘Scarab Husk’ and ‘Scarabshell Boots’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  11. Claw Viper series have a chance to drop ‘Serpentskin Armor’ and ‘Naga’ since Nightmare difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  12. Arach series have a chance to drop ‘Spiderweb Sash’ and ‘Spider Bow’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  13. Skeleton Knight series have a chance to drop ‘Hellforge Plate’ and ‘Boneweave Boots’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  14. Balrog series have a chance to drop ‘Balrog Blade’, ‘Balrog Spear’ and ‘Balrog Skin’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  15. Vampire Lich series have a chance to drop ‘Vampirebone Gloves’, ‘Vampirefang Belt’ and ‘Lich Wand’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  16. Reanimate Hordes and Uncleaned Ones have a chance to drop Barbarian Helms or ‘Bone Helm’ and ‘Bone Shield’ Series, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  17. Siren series have a chance to drop ‘Sharktooth Armor’, ‘Sharkskin Gloves’, ‘Sharkskin Belt’, ‘Sharkskin Boots’ since Nightmare difficulty and ‘Kraken Shell’ in Hell difficulty, as the result, those items no longer drop from other monsters.
  18. Champion Corrupted Rogue Archers except Flesh ones have a chance to drop ‘Rogue’s Bow’.
  19. Champion Bat Demon series have a chance to drop ‘Blinkbat’s Form’.
  20. Champion Vampire Lich series have a chance to drop ‘Vampire Gaze’ since Nightmare difficulty.
  21. Champion Ghouls and Ghoul Lords have a chance to drop ‘Ghoulhide’ since Nightmare difficulty.
  22. Champion Sand Maggot series have a chance to drop ‘Wormskull’.
  23. Champion Will-o-Wisp series have a chance to drop ‘Wisp Projector’ in Hell difficulty.
  24. Champion Minotaur series have a chance to drop ‘The Minotaur’ since Nightmaire difficulty.
  25. Champion Urdars have a chance to drop ‘Blackhand Key’ since Nightmare difficulty.
  26. Campion Vile Mother and Defiler series have a chance to drop ‘Homunculus’ since Nightmare difficulty.
  27. Champion Burning Skeletons have a chance to drop ‘Grim’s Burning Dead’ since Nightmare difficulty.
  28. Champion Spikefists have a chance to drop ‘Bloodtree Stump’ since Nightmare difficulty.
  29. Champion Gargoyle Traps have a chance to drop ‘Gargoyle’s Bite’ in Hell difficulty.
  30. Champion Siren Series have a chance to drop ‘Siren’s Call’ in Hell difficulty.


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