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List of Fixing Comment Prefixes

Typo: Common typos;

Mis: Misleading to a wrong row in string tbl files or some other mistakes;

Language Abbreviations: English meanings for other languages;

Code: The item’s name quoted from its inner txt index, which is quite different from what displayed and worth to show out;

Typo + Language Abbreviations: Typos of non-English terms;

Sus + Language Abbreviations: Highly suspected to be the English meaning of other languages;

Sus + Typo: Highly suspected to be a typo;

Sus + Typo + Language Abbreviations: Highly suspected typo for non-English terms;

Old: Old name of an item that got abandoned before game releasing but really funny to show out.

There’s a detailed list of such fixings within my mod pack, named ‘LoD_String_Fix.xlsx’, check it for more trivia~


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Diablo II: The Dark Exile (MOD_T.D.E)


Text Fixing

UI Modification

Character & Skill Modifications

Hirelings Modifications

Monster Modifications

Item Modifications

Dropping and Area Modifications

Compatibility and Others