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Category: 3. Necromancer

  • Summon Spells

    All summoning skills available when shapeshifting, all golems could no longer be stunned, all skeleton summoning skills would require a corpse with flesh. Raise Skeleton: More fluently attacking in Nightmare and Hell difficulties, increased HP and defense. AI enhanced, may attack what you click at as priority. They would equip ‘low quality’, ‘normal’ or ‘superior’…

  • Poison and Bone Spells

    Teeth: NHD removed, multiple hit would make it very effective in close range. Poison Dagger: Remade to ‘Poison Strike‘, a rollback attack with ‘Fend’ logic, available with thrusting weapons, flails or polearms. Hits up to 10 targets, greatly increased poison damage with fixed 25F duration, Physical damage percentage bonus added, which could be further synergized…

  • Curse

    All curses available when shapeshifting, most of them could stack, except ‘Amplify Damage’, ‘Decrepify’ and ‘Lower Resist’. Weaken: Can also lower target’s elemental damages. Iron Maiden: Extra thorns percent increased by character level. Attract: Lower MP cost, can cast through walls. Lower Resist: Also lowering Magic Resist.

  • Necromancer Summery

    Greatly increased attack speed with thrusting weapons and crossbows, also increased attack speed for slashing weapons except 2 handed swords. Initial skill ‘Chill Blood‘ added, to raise a pack of freezing viscera from corpses with flesh (those not skeletons, trees, swarms etc.), it would charge at enemies and explode, releasing massive amount of chilling gas…