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Category: 03. Unique Items

  • New Unique Blunts

    Marrow Grinder: ‘Reinforced Mace’, 100% Crush Blow, -100% Target Defense, Knockback, RIP. Giant Maimer: ‘Ogre Maul’, Increases Damage per character level, 100% Crush Blow.

  • New Unique Daggers

    Wailing Spirit: Summons a Spirit Creature from a corpse, it would reduce nearby enemies’ Max HP and Magic Resist, stat value increased by both this skill’s and character’s level. This item is very powerful, would be the ultimate weapon for Bone-Mancers. But could only drop from champions of level 90 areas or certain Bosses.

  • New Unique Swords

    Rockhew: ‘Falcata’, 400% Damage, 33-50% Crush Blow, 20% IAS, Indestructible, 400-500% Damage and Attack Rating Against Structures, yes, structures, indeed, I mean. Dawn Bringer: ‘Mythical Sword’, 300-400% Damage, 33-50% Open Wounds, 50% IAS, +3 to Sword Mastery, 10-15 Light Radius. Excalibur: ‘Conquest Sword’, 250-350% Damage, 20% Crush Blow, 1-2 All skills, Increase Attack Ratings per…

  • New Unique Axes

    Gore Ripper: ‘Small Crescent’, 180-255% Damage, 100% open wounds, +1 to Barbarian skills, 40% IAS, 30-75 Damage. Bush Wacker: ‘Feral Axe’, 250-300% Damage, 2-3 to Axe Mastery, 30-55% Deadly Strike, 30% IAS, 400-500% Damage and Attack Ratings Against Lumber and Botanies, which would include all Thornhulks, Vines, Huts, Catapults, Blood Hawk Nest Series and Mosquito…

  • Vanilla Unique Druid Items

    Cerebus’ Bite: Adds 20-33% Deadly Strike.

  • Vanilla Unique Barbarian Items

    Veterans: Summons up to 5 Barbarian Minions to fight for you, they would also cast ‘Find Item’ on corpses, such skill’s level would inherit your own ‘Find Item’. Their damage depends on their random equipment plus your main hand’s physical damage.

  • Vanilla Unique Paladin Items

    Holy Drake: Keeps summoning a group of special ‘Hydra’ that spraying flames with ‘Inferno’ logic every 5 sec at where you click at or beneath your feet if you didn’t click anywhere. Their damage synergy system is totally different from Sorceress version, ‘Holy Fire’ and related skills would enhance their fire damage instead of Sorceress…

  • Vanilla Unique Necromancer Items

    Boneflame: 20-25% to Magic Damage, Level 20-25 ‘Magic Pierce’ Aura when equipped. Magic Pierce: Lower enemies’ Magic Resist with the value equal to its level.

  • Vanilla Unique Amazon Items

    Stoneraven: Always 3 sockets. Thunderstroke: Bonus skill ‘Lightning Bolt’ switched to ‘Charged Strike’, target Lightning Resist penalty increased to 33%.

  • Vanilla Unique Charms

    Hellfire Torch: CTC Diablo Firestorm renamed and changed into an item charged skill. Damage displayed on panel is pretty low, but much more effective than it appears since there would be too many physical-grinding type damages in it.