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Category: 1. How to Use

  • Language Switch

    Open ‘plugy.ini’, find ‘[LANGUAGE]’ section, set ‘ActiveChangeLanguage=’ to 1, then set params for ‘SelectedLanguage=’, ‘ENG’ for English, ‘CHI’ For Chinese Traditional, ‘SIN’ for Chinese AomeiSoft. There is a big flaw within the game engine, ‘CHI’ and ‘SIN’ slot are both using fonts for ‘CHI’, so if you want a full ‘AomeiSoft’ style simplified Chinese version,…

  • Installation Guide

    Since my LoD version is 1.14d, the ‘bin’ files it generated would be slightly different from 1.13c or other versions, which might cause some compatibility issues, this mod would be fully txt, so I recommend installing it like this: Of course, you can install it in any other way as you wish, such like using…