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Author: Nagahaku

  • Tang’s Imperial Robes

    (For Casters except Poison-Casters, yet a Sorceress would benefit most) Tang’s Fore-Fathers: ‘Amulet’, +1 All Skills, 20-30 Vit, 50 Enr; When 2 Parts, 15% Max MP; When 3 Parts, 20% FCR; When Full Set, 25% MP Regen. Tang’s Rule: ‘Colossus Girdle’, -66% Requirements, 120-150% Defense, 50% Fire Resist; When 2 Parts, 50% Lightning Resist; When…

  • Flowkrad’s Howl

    (For Druids, Shapeshifters recommended, also good for Summoners) Flowkrad’s Grin: ‘Magic Arrow’, 10 Min Damage, 80-120 Attack Ratings; When 2 Parts, 20 Min Damage, 10% HP Steal; When 3 Parts, 40 Min Damage, 15 HP on Killing; When Full Set, 25% Deadly Strike. Flowkrad’s Fur: ‘Dream Spirit’, +1 Druid Skills, 10% All Resist, 150-200% Defense;…

  • Aragon’s Masterpiece

    (For Vengeance Paladins, can also be equipped by others, but not that good) Aragon’s Icy Stare: ‘Amulet’, Cannot be Frozen, -25% Target Defense; When 2 Parts, Attack Ratings per Character level, 25% Slows Target; When Full Set, Level 20 ‘Holy Freeze’ Aura when equipped. Aragon’s Sunfire: ‘Ring’, 50 HP, 50 MP; When 2 Parts, 10…

  • Trang-Oul’s Avatar

    Totally Remade according to Diablo III features, based on ‘Dragon’ and ‘Blood’ method. (Caution! Modifications for this set is not finished yet, might be pretty weak right now, but will be enhanced in later versions) All MP bonuses switched to HP. 2 Parts: 20% HP Steal. 3 Parts: +18 to ‘Venom’ 4 Parts: +20 to…

  • Tal Rasha’s Wrappings

    Full Set: 30% Chance to cast level 30% Fully Synergized Fire/Lightning/Cold Meteors on Get hit, according to Diablo III features. Trivia: Many Mandarin community players once thought this set should be the corpse wrappings for dead Tal Rasha, but in Diablo Immortal, Tal Rasha was wearing this set very alive.

  • Immortal King

    Full Set: +12 to ‘Berserk’ (Bar Only), also +2 to ‘Berserk’ when 2, 3, 4, 5 Parts, so +20 to ‘Berserk’ at final.

  • Griswold’s Legacy

    Full Set: +1 to ‘Griswold’s Legend’ Griswold’s Legend: A passive skill that turns character’s Base Str and Vit to each other, very powerful. Base stat means initial stat and those added by putting stat points into them. Trivia: In official Chinese versions, the translators mistook ‘Legacy’ for ‘Legend’, that’s why I gave the skill such…

  • M’avina’s Battle Hymn

    Full Set: Adds 50% Lower Target Cold Resist. Trivia: Over 99% percent of Mandarin community players believe that M’avina is an abbreviation for ‘Matriarch Avina’, but I think it’s impossible: AFAIK, in most cases, an apostrophe couldn’t abbreviate a big noun such as ‘Matriarch’ into one single letter, and NO abbreviation term could turn the…

  • Bul-Kathos’ Children

    Full Set: Adds +10 to ‘Whirlwind’ (Bar Only), +1 to ‘Endless Whirlwind’, also increased or added other offensive and defensive stats. Endless Whirlwind: Despites the MP cost of ‘Whirlwind’ and switches its initial skill damage percent penalty to bonus. Bul-Kathos’ Sacred Charge: Base item switched to its ‘Nomad Sword’ version, so it became ‘Bar Only’…

  • Natalya’s Odium

    Full Set: May increase FBR to 2F and could easily make it 1F with certain items such as ‘Deflecting Shield’. Greatly increased FHR, +20 to ‘Shadow Master’ (Asn Only). Natalya’s Mark: Given a specific inventory image.